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Cancellations Policy:

No cancellations

Rescheduling Policy:

Reschedule up to 72 hours before your booking: Rescheduled sessions must occur within 21 days of the original booking date. Failure to redeem within this time will render the reschedule void and non-refundable. Reschedule within 72 hours of your booking: Not Accepted & Considered A Non-Refundable Cancellation.

Respect for Property:

You agree to treat the Space, its furnishings, equipment, and any other property with care and respect. ⁠Report any damage or issues to the studio promptly. Clients are responsible for repair or replacement costs for any damage caused during their rental. Such costs will be deducted from the security deposit (bond)

Security and Theft:

You shall not engage in any form of theft, unauthorized access, or tampering with property, equipment, or materials within the Space. Any such activities will result in immediate termination of your access to the Space and potential legal action.

Cleanliness and Maintenance:

You are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and order of the Space. Please clean up after yourself and return any equipment or materials to their original positions after use.


We are not responsible for any personal injury, damage, or loss of personal property while using the Space. It is your responsibility to ensure the safety of yourself and your belongings.

Access Restrictions:

You are only permitted to use the Space during the agreed-upon times and for the purposes outlined in your booking or agreement with us.

Smoking Policy:

Smoking is strictly prohibited within the indoor areas. Please use designated outdoor smoking areas. Violation of this policy may result in immediate termination of access.

Noise Restrictions:

External speakers and DJs are not permitted. Clients must use our in-house commercial-grade surround sound system, connected via Bluetooth for streaming. Violation may result in termination of access.

Offensive Content:

The creation of explicit or offensive including but not limited to, sexually explicit material, hate speech, violent or discriminatory content, is not permitted within the Space. We reserve the right to terminate access for any client found in violation of this policy.

Guests and Visitors:

If your agreement allows for guests or visitors, you are responsible for their behavior and compliance with these terms and conditions. Any violations by your guests will be considered as your own.

Security and Surveillance:

For the safety and security of all clients, video surveillance may be in operation in common areas. Please be aware that your activities within the Space may be recorded.


We reserve the right to terminate your access to the Space for any violations of these Terms without refund or compensation.


We make no warranties or guarantees about the suitability, safety, or availability of the Space for your intended use.

Modification of Terms:

Governing Law:

These Terms are governed by the laws of Victoria, and any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that jurisdiction.

Client Provided Content:

We respect and adhere to copyright laws, and we assume that any content, including text, images, music, or any other creative elements provided by the client for incorporation into a project is either owned by the client or that the client has obtained the necessary permissions and rights to use such content. We are not responsible for verifying the copyright status of content provided by the client.

Content Creation:

When you engage our services to create content, such as reels, videos, or other media, we follow your specific instructions and vision. We do not assume responsibility for the content, including any written, visual, or auditory elements, that you request us to create, provided that it complies with applicable laws and our ethical guidelines.

Usage Rights:

Unless otherwise specified in an agreement, we grant the client a license to use the content we create. Furthermore, No Filter Studios Pty Ltd retains the right to use the content for promotional, portfolio, or other business-related purposes.

Intellectual Property Disputes:

In the event of any copyright or intellectual property disputes related to content provided by the client or created at the client’s request, the client shall be solely responsible for resolving such disputes. We will, upon request, cooperate to the best of our abilities and provide any relevant information to assist in the resolution process.

We may update or modify these Terms at our discretion, and any such changes will be communicated to you in writing.