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Social Shoot


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Events Venue
Hire & Custom


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Studio Space Hire

Express Social Shoot Packages

Events Venue Hire & Custom Styling

The Blueprint

Natural Light. Functional Simplicity. Blank Canvas.

Santorini Wall

Explore the harmonious blend of tradition and modernity in our Santorini wall section.

Double Archway

Step into a world of timeless elegance with our Double Archway section.

Stairs To No Where

Step into a world where stairs become symbols of endless exploration.

Curved Nook

Discover the perfect blend of functionality and fashion in our curved nook section.

Sculpted Art Wall

Experience the beauty of meticulous craftsmanship in our Sculpted Wall section.

Discover the Hype at No Filter Studios.

Don’t get left behind – No Filter Studios is the hottest spot in Melbourne for all your creative needs.


From clean and simple designs to eye-catching statement pieces. Our inventory keeps up with the ever-changing world of creativity.

Save Money,
No Hassle

No need to bring your furniture or worry about the weather. Booking our studio is both stylish and practical. Rent it by the hour, customised to fit any budget.

One Space
Endless Possibilities

With an array of movable furniture pieces and versatile backdrops, you have the freedom to craft your vision and capture the perfect shot, every time.

or Brands Welcome

Our studio welcomes all creatives, not just professional photographers. It’s the top choice for influencers and content creators to bring their visions to life.